The Beginning
Approximately 50 residents attended a public meeting on Thursday, February 6, 1998 at the Community Centre in response to concerns expressed by residents during the 1997 Municipal Elections. Attending as resource persons were Councillor Madonna Spinazola; Robin Marshall, Executive Director of Kings Community Economic Development Agency (CED); Bill Butler, Director of Community Development Services for the Municipality of Kings, and Jessica Patterson, Office Manager, Kings CED.
Some of the concerns expressed were safety and security issues, having control over community resources, and the rapid growth of Centreville, to name a few. As a result of that meeting a steering committee was formed with members representing all aspects of the community: the Boy Scouts, the church, Girl Guides, Parks & Recreation, local businesses, and concerned residents participated on the steering committee. The committee met on a monthly basis to discuss the present and future needs of Centreville, and presented their report to the community on November 25, 1998 at the Community Hall.
Community members in attendance accepted the report and elected an executive and a board of directors of a development association to implement the report’s seven (7) goals. The association was registered under Joint Stocks on June 13, 1999 as the Centreville District Community Development Association.